• PhD candidates of the Graduate School of Life Sciences have to follow 20 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) of education.
  • The 20 ECTS load is for the standard 4 years PhD program. PhD candidates that follow a different track can count 5 ECTS/year.
  • The minimum number of PhD years is two, which means that during this two years trajectory 10 ECTS need to be acquired.
  • A minimum of 40% should be spent on courses organized by the CTO program (inlcuding courses affiliated OOA/R'dam-Leiden) and a maximum of 20% on attendance of congresses and symposia. See tables below for examples.

Generic courses organized by PhD Course Centre GSLS: Link PhD Course Centre GSLS

European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) point tables

General information on the graduate school system, PhD programs and useful links can be found on

    4 years 3 years 2 years
  20 ECTS 15 ECTS 10 ECTS
Courses/activities CTO including courses affiliated          OOA/R'dam-Leiden 40% 8 ECTS 6 ECTS 4 ECTS
Generic courses 20%
Symposia/conferences 20%
Courses outside CTO program 20%


Example 4 years/min. 20 ECTS

Category Course # days # times/4 yr Total ECTS
CTO Introduction course 3 1 1,5
Clinical Trial Development Course 3 1 1,5
Tumor type course 3 2 2
PhD retreat 1 4 1,2
Peer to Peer 5x1 hour 1 0,3
Advanced Molecular Pathology Course 3 1 1,5
Journal clubs (JC) 30 JC = 1 ECTS
  “Refereer” evenings     10x = 1 ECTS
  Oncology seminars     30x = 1ECTS
Total CTO 10,8
Generic courses see link                      PhD Course Centre 4
Other Basic Oncology course (NvvO) 5 1 2

Attending International Oncology Symposia   (0.3 ECTS/day)

3 2 2 max
  Courses organized by other PhD programs 4 1 2
Total 21,0


Example 2 years/min. 10 ECTS

NB: in this example the total number of ECTS points is more than 10, which means that one can skip some courses. When you are following a 3 years PhD program, you can use this table as well but ensure that your generic courses make a total of 3 ECTS.

Category Course # days # times/2 yr Total ECTS
CTO Introduction course 3 1 1,5
Clinical Trial Development Course 3 1 1,5
Tumor type course 3 1 1
PhD retreat 1 2 0,6
Peer to Peer 5x1 hour 1 0,3
Advanced Molecular Pathology 3 1 1,5
Journal clubs (JC) 15 JC = 0.5 ECTS
  “Refereer” evenings     5 = 0.5 ECTS
  Oncology seminars     15x = 0.5 ECTS
Total CTO 7,8
Generic courses see link                       PhD Course Centre 2
Other Basic Oncology course (NvvO) 5 1 2
  Attending International Oncology Symposia (0.3 ECTS/day) 3 1 1 max
  Courses organized by other PhD programs 4 1 1
Total 13,9