Registration and forms
Clinical and translational oncology (CTO) PhD program
CTO is part of the Graduate School of Life Sciences (GSLS) of Utrecht University. PhD candidates have to meet the admission criteria as formulated by the Graduate School of Life Sciences of Utrecht University.
PhD candidates registering at CTO have to participate in (clinical) cancer-research projects carried out in, or associated with one of the departments of the UMC Utrecht, Princess Máxima center, Faculty of Science/Biology (UU), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UU) or the Hubrecht Laboratory. Minimum number of PhD years is two. You can register at CTO after you have secured a PhD position, the CTO program does not offer PhD positions.
Participating in the CTO program:
At the start of your PhD
1) Register in MyPhD and follow the GSLS checklist
Within one month after the start of their PhD project, all PhD candidates have to register at MyPhD. In MyPhD you can choose the PhD program you would like to join.
2) Fill in the CTO registration form and excel sheet course plan and email this to the secretariat of the CTO PhD program (email:
This includes a draft of your TSA to be approved by the program coordinator, Dr. S. Elias. After approval from the program coordinator, you can upload your TSA to MyPhD. After approval in MyPhD, your registration is complete.
3) Join the CTO LinkedIn page to stay up-to-date!
Useful websites:
- GSLS start of your PhD
During your PhD
During your PhD, you can enrol in courses of the CTO program and the GSLS.
- You can register for CTO courses via the Registration Form
- You can register for GSLS courses via the GSLS Course Center
- Annual Progress meeting: instructions and template
- Compulsory GSLS training: Yearly Responsible Conduct of Research via the GSLS Course Center
- Student counsellor, psychologist, confidential advisors or coaching, you can find on this page.
Useful websites:
- GSLS during your PhD
- Overview CTO courses
- GSLS Course Centre Agenda
At the end of your PhD
Note: Please check the requirements at the start of your final year, some actions must be taken several months before your anticipated graduation date!
In the last year of your PhD trajectory, there are some actions to complete to obtain your PhD.
After participating in the CTO program, you can apply for the GSLS Training Certificate in addition to your doctoral diploma and your thesis. This demonstrates that you actively participated in doctoral education and developed your personal competencies, and will be awarded during your defence ceremony.
- Check the GSLS website for all the regulations and forms to complete a PhD track.
- When you have an anticipated graduation date, please inform the CTO office (
- Apply for the GSLS Training certificate (at least two months before your defence) by filling in the GSLS Training Certifiate form in Word format. Provide a PDF of all participated courses/seminars/congresses or confirmations of participation. E-mail both documents to the CTO office ( The CTO office will check your ECTs, communicate with the GSLS PhD Course Center and notify you if any further actions are needed for the GSLS Training certificate.
- We would like to share PhD defences of CTO members on our LinkedIn, we will contact you in advance.
Useful websites:
- GSLS Finishing your PhD
- GSLS after your PhD
Clinical Trial and Development Course
(fully booked, a few spots open for CTO members)
15-16-17 April 2025
Advanced Molecular Pathology Course
10-11-12 June 2025
PMC Summer Course in Pediatric Oncology: Childhood Cancer, State-of-the-art treatment, innovative (bio)medicine and patient centered care
14-15-16-17-18 July 2025
26 September/3 October/10 October 2025